British American Tobacco
BAT UK is the largest manufacturer and distributor of vaping products in the UK and sees its future focused on providing smoke-free, alternative nicotine products for the UK’s adult smokers and nicotine users.
BAT UK is the largest manufacturer and distributor of vaping products in the UK and sees its future focused on providing smoke-free, alternative nicotine products for the UK’s adult smokers and nicotine users.
JTI manufactures well-known cigarette brands such as Benson & Hedges Blue, the fastest growing cigarette brand in the UK, as well as Amber Leaf, the No.1 tobacco brand, Sterling Dual Capsule Leaf Wrapped, the No.1 cigarillo brand, and Sterling Rolling Tobacco, the leading Value RYO brand.
Aquavape supplies convenience stores with stands, concessions or line-by-line ordering of most top disposable, e-liquid and nicotine pouch brands.
Flavoured nicotine pouches.
Supplier of Vapes and liquids.
Supplier of tobacco products (JPS, Lambert & Butler), Rizla papers, rolling tobacco (Golden Virginia) and vaping brand, Blu.
E-cigarretes designed to turn smokers away from tobacco cigarettes.