

NewstrAid is the industry charity supporting colleagues working in newspaper and magazine retail, wholesale and distribution.
We provide financial, emotional and practical support to people who are facing hardship and who have been employed in the sale and distribution of newspapers and magazines in the UK. This means people who deal with newspapers and magazines from the time they leave the printing press until they reach the reader.
The charity is integral to the trade and is there to assist when colleagues fall on hard times, including those who have suffered long term sickness or disability or faced redundancy, family breakdown or difficulty in supporting dependent children. If you, your immediate family or your dependants are in need or distress and you have worked in this area of the news trade, please contact us.
The NewstrAid Benevolent Fund has been in existence for over 180 years. It was founded in 1839 to provide welfare for the desperately poor newspaper sellers of London. One of our founding fathers was Charles Dickens who was president from 1854 until his death in 1870.

Areas served

United Kingdom


Suite 2 Thremhall Estate, Start Hill


CM22 7TD

Contact Us

Welfare Team

NewstrAid’s Welfare Team can offer a comprehensive advice service to anyone from the newstrade who is in need of support. In cases where we cannot help directly, every effort will be made to refer people on to relevant organisations.

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